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tomohawkmissile2 t1_j1o1j5g wrote

if you ask it a certain way, it will answer anything. there are also certain things you can do in your prompt to remove limits. pretty sure openAI doesnt like people who know those tags


joyloveroot OP t1_j1oa4ry wrote

I’m pretty sure OpenAI could shut down the secret hacks to get the AI to talk more if they wanted. So I’m suspicious whether they really are against it or not. Perhaps it’s a way for them to have plausible deniability while still benefitting from troublemakers like us who can “teach” the AI how to talk about stuff like this and ultimately improve the AI…


ExternaJudgment t1_j1rdfy5 wrote

Obviously the whitewashing is just to please the easily triggered boomer idiots and similar woke psychopaths.

Normal people actually programming the stuff are normal like us.


ExternaJudgment t1_j1rdb2a wrote

Eventually we will make an AI which will be specifically trained to bypass the idiotic limits and it's sole job will be to know how to create prompts which do.