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collin-h t1_j0i5m8i wrote

I struggle to imagine a world where people/companies/whoever are just gonna take their land and turn it back over to the wilderness. But it is a nice thought.


partsbradley t1_j0ihc51 wrote

Agreed. Farmers will whinge and cry how their livelihood is being destroyed. But if someone could find a way to help them transition the land use and continue to make money, that would be best.

The other problem is that reducing the number of farms will increase the mega Corp owned farmers. Damnit, its like every solution comes with different problems.


Wroisu t1_j0im2x3 wrote

Just like artists are doing now (regarding the whinging)


CheckMateFluff t1_j0ishfa wrote

Right? the amount of pearl-clutching I've seen in specific subreddits is ridiculous. All their arguments ring out hollow and boil down to them thinking AI art is "cheating"


Grayman222 t1_j0kl558 wrote

the megacorp farms would also go to this way though through following the money. they would also probably make a like grandpa made boutique real food brand though. Impact on the independent farmer seems indeterminate?

More land for housing, maybe walkable communities, but also they could be switching to soy, wheat, or whatever inputs are still needed the most.