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t1_j22dvtw wrote

My dad was born in 58 and his parents couldn't own property and they couldn't drink out of the same water fountains as other people. My grandmother could at best be a maid, and would basically make pennies to do so. Every gay person was completely in the closet. Please explain what was so great about that period?


t1_j22hd2s wrote

There was nothing great about the things you mentioned, but you need to be worried about the current rise of Fascism - Christo Fascism in particular that is aiming to bring those days of discrimination, hatred and racism back. I hate to think that I might live to see what my parents saw in the 30's and knowing that I am helpless to stop it.


t1_j22hzx2 wrote

There is a lot of worry, but we need to isolate these I Love the 50s people and see what exactly they love. I expect them to never answer and run away because they realize a tipped hand.


t1_j22jsix wrote

So, are you saying you're OK with the current rise of Fascism? Why, because you can't imagine that it can be true so you're going to stick your head in the sand and look backwards instead of forwards? There are a whole bunch of German's from the 30's who'd love to explain to you what a bad idea that is.


t1_j22kqh6 wrote

I'm so sincerely lost as to why you consider this as a reply to my reply that I have no idea what to say.

Unless you're doing one of those the Left are the true fascists things? But youre talking about the Right rise. Dunno seriously lost.


t1_j24tfn5 wrote

You need to worry about what is happening NOW, and not the happy childhood memories of people born in the 50's as if we were committing some kind of crime. I'm sorry that my childhood was happy and carefree, unburdened with the knowledge of what was happening, but being angry at me for it will not change the past. As I said, as adults we are now aware of what was going on back then and we need to not allow that piece of history to repeat itself.


t1_j24wejf wrote

I literally said nothing about anger, you may be projecting. It's simple; we use history to inform us of the future. Realizing that part of the rise of fascism now is based on trying to return things to the 50s standard of where minorities, gay people, and women were subservient helps us to better fight against the rise of facism. We can use further back history like Germany, etc. to compare the patterns to, to better help us fight it. That's how it works.

Fascism wasn't being fought in the 50s because you has multiple basic slave classes to support those in power already. It had already won to a large degree. We now have to make sure it doesn't get back there.


t1_j22lkg3 wrote

I get what you’re saying, but the other person has a valid point. It seems like people are focusing too much on the mistakes and injustices of the past and are not acknowledging that we are treading dangerous waters with the increase in authoritarianism and fascist states sprouting about throughout the world. I fear that the widespread use of identity politics and "culture wars" dividing us and making it harder for people to rally together and help one another. Maybe it is a bit naive or simplistic to say that things were better back in the past, because obviously things were not great for everyone back then, but I think most people can feel like something just isn’t right at the moment culturally speaking.


t1_j22m3l2 wrote

The only way to get people to figure out the sins of the current is to recognize the sins of the past.


t1_j22np8k wrote

I agree with that statement, but I fear we’re making the mistake of only looking at the past almost as if it was a mistake or like if we’re morally/ethically superior to past generations. We’re currently the most progressive society to ever live both culturally and economically. We definitely have problems don’t get me wrong, but I’ve noticed that whenever it comes to discussing the past, a lot of people just tend to focus on the negative side of past, while ignoring the positive stuff which could be used as motivation to bring more positivity into our world/ current reality. I think that in order to have a balanced understanding of life we must be able to accept the realities of both the good and the bad in the hopes of finding equilibrium.


t1_j22oft2 wrote

I kind of see it as the reverse. The 60s were glorified as hippies and peaceful marches changing history when it was actually bloody and crazy and knowing that the white youths being scared of the draft combined with minorities starting to get more and more violent means that the country had to move a different way to flourish.

Less about showing the past and more about hiding the darkest parts of the past.

Look at how few people knew about racists bombing black prosperity until Watchmen came out.