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tomtttttttttttt t1_j1m0da3 wrote

A few seconds to plug in and then go and do other stuff rather than a few minutes stood by the car filling it up before i can do the other things i need to?

And "full" is a pointless metric, all that matters is how much range you get.


iNfANTcOMA t1_j1m0h9q wrote

You are seriously saying staying at the station is better than filling up and leaving? And the fuller you get, the father you go so...


tomtttttttttttt t1_j1mce17 wrote

I'm saying i stop to charge and do other things at the same time, like going to the toilet, having some food or whatever i want to do. I mean i don't even need to stop and refill specifically since it's all done whilst I'm doing other things, like sleeping at home or watching a film at the cinema.

Meanwhile you are still at the pump. I'm in and out having done what i need and off whilst you are still having a shit after spending that time at the pump.

Except as i said, I'm not stopping to refuel at all, i have no need to. The only time i would is on long road trips where you need to stop for things like toilet and food.

And if you need to go 20 miles it doesn't matter if you can go further. As long as 80% gives you the range you need, why does it matter that it's not "full"?