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AndromedaAnimated t1_j2bmzbh wrote

Bugs? Pill? Don’t care, I am pretty anhedonic when it comes to food. But insects are actually rather tasty, flies for example taste sweet.

My grandkids marrying gynoids and androids? If my son already wanted to, I‘d congratulate him on making a wise decision.

AI rights? I am pretty much with Lemoine on that - not because I consider AI to be sentient already but because it’s better to prepare in advance.

Brain chips to access the internet? I am a neuropsychologist applying to university to acquire a computational science degree so I can finally work in exactly this field. Neuralink, Synchron, yes to it all.

But I draw the line at matchmaking apps. Just no. I don’t want to be matched to some human, give me a robot girlfriend instead!

Okay now the serious answer: we cannot know where we would really draw the line until we do it. Sometimes even not then - only recognising we drew the line in hindsight.