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t1_j1xevag wrote

Artemis / NASA never got delayed. They're perfect in every way.

Before you hurl criticism at others, look at your own self, you hateful creature.


t1_j1xfr6t wrote

At least Nasa has a track record of success….


t1_j1ydf9t wrote

Yeah of wasting billions of dollars while we put a satellite on Mars costing less than a Hollywood movie


t1_j1yxv8k wrote

Largest slave labour country brags about low cost...


t1_j1z4wdv wrote

Biggest human rights violater brags about being civilized....


t1_j1z5wqh wrote

The West literally ended large scale practises of slavery worldwide


t1_j1xojtx wrote

I remember NASA around 2010 saying they would have a person on Mars in the 2020s. Basically put that on the back burner for Artemis


t1_j1y5nhs wrote



t1_j1ydmrm wrote



t1_j1xj6rv wrote

When has India ever done anything right?


t1_j1ydh9y wrote

When has America ever done anything right?


t1_j1yy18n wrote

Literally everything? Come back to us once you land on the moon. Oh wait, based on india's progress, we'll be long dead before that


t1_j1z4s1n wrote

Literally everything. Come back to us when you've colonised other Planets, stopped and reversed Aging. Oh wait, based on America's progress ,we'll be long dead before that


t1_j1z5s6t wrote

Spacex will have colonies on Mars by mid 2030s, well before India or China can even land on the moon. America is also actively making progress on a cure for aging


t1_j1z78iw wrote

>Spacex will have colonies on Mars by mid 2030s, well before India or China can even land on the moon.

Let's just hope it's not as vulnerable as that Cybertruck

>America is also actively making progress on a cure for aging

That only the elite rich will get. No way they're gonna hand them to you common folk