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ai-dev t1_j1yi9gd wrote

Another lame space program is progress? India should focus on wasting and stunting among it's children. America and Europe have near 0% rates of wasting. Admit that this isn't about human progress, it's about Indian national pride. You want national pride? End wasting and waterborne illness.


namco8 t1_j1yooqu wrote

Ok and when Americans were busy in killing blacks in the 60's then moon mission went successfully. How's that for a change.


Suspicious-Pilot4313 t1_j1yxrxy wrote

And by the 80s, most of the racial tensions are gone. Meanwhile, just last month, a young Dalit child got beaten to death for the crime of trying to drink the same water as a Brahmin. This has been despite "efforts" to fix it for 8 decades now


Suspicious-Pilot4313 t1_j1z6klq wrote

You're trying to compare this small scale isolated incidents to the country wide abuse of tens of millions of Dalits on a daily bias. And you have the hindu ultranationalist groups actively calling out for the total genocide of all muslims every week or so. Which results in massacres and killing of muslims and burning of mosques.


Ok_Side2575 t1_j1zvg9w wrote

Bruh you think there's a daily basis dalit issue in India.. it's much like in India's rural and for that reason reservation still exist it's sad but yup things have changed a lot..

This is coming from a so called lower caste myself


Ok_Side2575 t1_j1zvoao wrote

Killing of muslim and burning of mosque..oh yup it's allright when you see one side of the coin.. don't worry you are already blind to see the another side


UncutMeat90 t1_j216483 wrote

Dude you can't even send you kids to elementary school in America without knowing if they're going to be gunned down


Aero_doubt t1_j1ynjnc wrote

Compare the post on this sub, with the post on r/space, which has people who actually have knowledge of the subject matter. This post here is filled with ignorant comments.

India's progress, and it's success in applying those technologies in real world issues is obviously going to piss off these small and ignorant people.

I'm advising any Indian person reading this to not engage with this troll, and let them waste away their life trying to spread hatred on Reddit.

In basically every country, anyone from the field of aerospace engineering understands that India has basically set the standards for efficiency and the effective application of tech.


Suspicious-Pilot4313 t1_j1yxb52 wrote

>In basically every country, anyone from the field of aerospace engineering understands that India has basically set the standards for efficiency and the effective application of tech.

This is deusional. Even Brazil has a airline company. India has nothing, they're still buying jets from Europe and Russia. They can't make anything themsleves. They can't even copy shit like the chinese do.


Sunapr1 t1_j1z0amk wrote

Lol You have anything to back the claim.. India has nothing not any airline is one of the retarded comments i have seen all day. All you need to do is just copy


Suspicious-Pilot4313 t1_j1z1vp8 wrote

Can India build any passenger jets? No? I thought so.

>All you need to do is just copy

Which is why India still mainly uses European and Russia jets... no domestic copy in sight...

Just like the chinks, all you do is copy, cannot innovate. But you can't even copy properly.


falsevacuumDK t1_j1yk82s wrote

Which country are you from ?


namco8 t1_j1yp7uz wrote

He's from a hypocrite country where third world are rubbish in his terms, and if they take the pride to upheaval themselves from issues then all the slums and weakness are shown to third world people. When these hypocrites invaded middle East and North Africa for oil then they gave debit ridden loans to these so called third world people to satisfy their own personal agenda. It's better to show these clowns 🐍 charmers and poorness which they really wanted to and continue with our hidden agendas.


ai-dev t1_j2093yx wrote

I want all people to succeed. Sending astronauts to space is old science. There's 0 science and 0 pride from this. You know what would be a more awesome invention than space travel? A new smartphone operating system, Android and IOS are lame. That accomplishment world be amazing.