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Utahmule t1_j0ne53d wrote

What jobs? Outside of warehouse/ factory jobs. Manual labor such as construction is still all humans.


Coachtzu t1_j0ng7m9 wrote

There are thousands of robots already in existence that make construction jobs easier and roles that required 2 men to lift something now can be lifted by a robot (just one example: Houses can be 3D printed. Prefab home parts are able to be built by robots in factories and then assembled by humans in a fraction of the time.

This also discounts the already existing mechanics that while they don't have AI, have certainly displaced workers from manual labor jobs. Look at massive commercial farms, or logging operations. What used to take teams of men going up into the woods or in the fields to get a harvest has been replaced by trucks with cranes that can lift logs onto the bed and get pulled out of the woods, or tractor cultivators that do 14-20 rows at once.


Utahmule t1_j0nisyr wrote

That link is just a different version of a forklift or crane so not a good example of robots replacing construction workers at all.

3d printed houses are just machines that lay concrete for all the walls. This is ugly, expensive, slow, limited capabilities, remodel or demo would be a nightmare if not impossible. We build with efficient materials and concrete is not an efficient way to build walls for a building, it's total overkill, slower and more expensive than framing and sheething.

Prefab homes are built by people in a warehouse, not robot assembly lines. It's faster because it's in a controlled environment.

Yeah, farming and resource extraction is for sure getting automated.


Coachtzu t1_j0nokqb wrote

Seems like you're arguing semantics on the first bit. It was one example, I think it fits the bill of a robot doing a job a human would otherwise have to do, but literally googling construction robots comes up with tons of results.

That is the current iteration of 3D printed homes. You don't think in 10 years there will be any progress? Pretty sure based on the way robots and AI have already shifted so much in the last 10 years, it won't look the same as it does right now.

Some prefab homes are absolutely built by robots, look up the company dfab.


Utahmule t1_j0nqvo7 wrote

Time will tell. Luckily I'm old enough I won't have to worry. It's an extremely interesting subject though.

Not semantics, with your logic a chain hoist is a machine replacing people.

Have you looked at the dfab website? It's just people using machines for some types of molded walls. Literally in a factory just fabing up small walls with a robot, which still requires a couple people controlling it and it's way slower than a couple of experienced concrete workers just doing it all the selves... Guarantee it's way more expensive too... A few products don't use machines at all and require a team of people to do the entire task. It's extremely far from constructing even a camper trailer, much less an actual house.