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Ashura77 t1_j0kxbt3 wrote

I see the problem here in Luxembourg with "Revis", what is paid to those not working. It's nearly 1900euros, so many uneducated people just never go (back) to work and live off of other people's taxes, have Netflix, gaming consoles, go on holidays but never actually do something to earn that. On the contrary, they dare whining that it isn't enough.

UBI and such things only work with decent people who understand they'll have to do something anyway, not with freeloaders and the like.


FeatheryBallOfFluff t1_j0kzzjl wrote

Or stop paying in money and pay in food and shelter. If they want to travel they can work. Doesn't have to be money.


Ashura77 t1_j0l6l7m wrote

Utopia does note exist, how would that work? I move to, let's say Australia and tell them to give me a home and food? With this kind of delusion, no one will be working anymore, sure as hell I won't, I already pay enough freeloaders with my taxes, and I have to get up in the morning and they just sleep in. Nah nah, money vs services. At least let's send them all cleaning the streets and the woods, but money or housing/food for nothing?

I sometimes have the impression those advocating for all this stuff are just lazy and don't want to exhaust themselves making a living, they want others to just provide without anything in return.


FeatheryBallOfFluff t1_j0la1fw wrote

If you can't think of any scenario how that could work, I don't think there's any point in discussing this further with you.

But for the sake of the debate: if you want to move to Australia you have to be highly skilled and have a job lined up. Only then you move to Australia. If you at any point lose your job and your house, you could obtain a simple shelter (the bare minimum) to live and basic food (like an egg and some veggies and maybe supplements). Want beer? Work. Want to travel? Work. Want a bigger house? Work. Want drugs? Work. Want a car? Work.

By giving food, they can't use tax money to buy beer and be degenerates. They can't travel. They can survive though. That's good for worker conditions. Low wage slaves may not accept low wages, and hence their income rises, or they are automated away, until a job emerges that does pay well. It also gets rid of the homeless people issue.

Most people would hate an existance like that though, and would work to improve their situation.

I think those advocating against this stuff are ironically the ones barely paying taxes themselves (low wage slaves themselves that usually worry about those on benefits and immigrants while barely contributing to the state as it is).