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Honest_Switch1531 t1_j0nwdy7 wrote

If you are predicting the future social structure based on the current US system you could get a nightmare scenario. However the US is a strange outlier in terms of socialist institutions. There are quite a few developed countries such a Norway that show what a good socialist/capitalist system can become.

Once production is completely automated, then modern monetary theory becomes more important. Many central banks use it now. I think that a combined socialist/capitalist system is likely. Capitalism is good at balancing the price and demand of goods and services without too much regulation. I guessing that maybe public companies will just be taxed more or be required to give a certain percentage of shares to the government, who will then just distribute the money that would have been paid to human workers. Company share holders will continue to earn about the same as now. Private companies cannot continue to operate if there is no one to buy their services