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volantredx t1_j1x7rhu wrote

I mean the idea that we're not leaving behind pristine environments seems to miss the fact that asteroids aren't exactly all that valuable for preservation. They're vast empty deserts of rocks. It's not really the same as Yellowstone. There's also an inconceivably large number of them in space so it's not like humans would run out of preserved giant rocks with no life or interesting features.


ShiftSandShot t1_j1yxq2h wrote

Not to mention that they smack into eachother...not frequently, but it's estimated to be a yearly event.

So they're destroying themselves on top of it.


Padhome t1_j1zhdhp wrote

Plus there are moons around Jupiter that have several times the water of earth..


EscapeVelocity83 t1_j21enab wrote

We are leaving to create a diversity of pristine environments. We can make historical environments and entirely synthetic ones that never existed. All separated by millions of miles