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NapsterUlrich t1_j1fch3i wrote

I must not be being clear. You wouldn’t wake up. It’s like suddenly generating a twin with all your memories and feelings. You suddenly don’t take over the body of your twin. You die, your twin lives on, your consciousness and existence is over, but your twin takes your place


Durris t1_j1fd5hf wrote

You are your consciousness. If someone killed you in your sleep and uploaded an exact copy of your consciousness into an exact copy of your body, would you know when you woke up or would you just be you? Also please address the question of whether or not you would want your consciousness uploaded into a computer to prevent death.


NapsterUlrich t1_j1fdfkh wrote

Well to answer the computer thing, yeah I’d wanna be uploaded, although that was never part of the original discussion. I’m not gonna upload my consciousness every time I teleport. And my point is that I don’t believe our consciousness will transfer over, which is why I don’t trust teleporters.


Durris t1_j1fdzzo wrote

I specifically stated in the question that the premise is that your consciousness is transferred. You can't ignore the premise if you are trying to answer the question in good faith. So if your consciousness is perfectly replicated, would you be willing to teleport? If you still say no, how is that any different from the computer upload?


DJ_Rand t1_j1ffkzb wrote

It boils down to: How can you be sure that its you? If i teleport, but I'm dead, and another me is alive with my memories, that is a very significant difference. The difference is that everyone else thinks you are you but for the real you, you are dead, you don't wake back up. But there is another you that thinks they teleported and woke back up.

But "perfectly replicated" is a weird way to word it. If you truly mean replicated, that means copied. The real us would be dead, gone, never to awake as us again. If you mean "if your consciousness could be maintained and transfered as is without the originals death" then...

If that fear could be put aside and we could be sure that it is indeed us, and not just a clone with our atoms reconstructed, then it would be fine for most people probably.


Durris t1_j1fg1u7 wrote

If your consciousness is moved vs copied what's the difference? Would you ever know the difference?


DJ_Rand t1_j1fh2gj wrote

Moved = you are aware that youre still alive. Copied = you are dead, heaven, hell, eternal nothingness, etc.

Your copied clone wouldnt know the difference.

I unserstand your argument. But the copy isnt the same you. Its another person with your memories. You do not get to see through the copies eyes or control the copies body. You ceased to exist.

So to answer your question, no, we wouldnt know. Because we would simply die, and another version of us, which is not us, would live on in our place, thinking that it truly is us.

That's a fundamental difference.

Your question is basically: If you jumped off a bridge and died, but a demon got to walk around in your meat suit afterwards, looking like you, talking like you, acted like you... would you know?


Durris t1_j1fiu9u wrote

What if you were moved while in a coma? If your consciousness was copied, how would you know. You would never experience nothingness, you would just wake up in a new place, so back to one of the old questions, what's the difference if you can't tell that anything has changed. Your consciousness is you. If your consciousness is in a copy of your body how is that not you? I'm getting the feeling that I'm having a discussion with someone who thinks that there is some component of this that involves a "soul" which is what makes them who they are as opposed to their consciousness.


DJ_Rand t1_j1fkhhl wrote

I don't think you comprehend the argument. The argument is that even though everything else may appear to be the same, and for all intents and purposes to everyone else obersving you it would be....

But the argument people are giving you is that what if YOU are completetly DEAD. Teleporting was just an incinerator that killed you, and something exactly like you was in your place on the other side.

The argument is whether or not you would wake up or not and still get to live your life. If i am dead and dont wake up, but something else gets to live as me, that kind of makes my life moot.

If a clone of me wakes up, but the real me is instead experiencing darkness forever because of death.... thats a big difference.

Your argument is simply "but if you wake up how would you know" the point everyone else is making to you is: what if you don't wake up, and something else is now living your life instead of you?

Do you underatand that last part? That youre dead? Something else gets to live your life, while the real you never got to experience it?

Youre stuck on: yeah but its your atoms. Everyone else is stuck on: Do I, my current stream of consciousness get to continue to exist or am i basically dead and a clone of me gets to live instead?

Those are two different things. And teleportation could be either one. We don't know. People will all accept doing it if there's a way to ensure you don't just simply die and have something else live on as you.


Durris t1_j1fnfxt wrote

"experiencing darkness forever" so it is an afterlife issue for you. I'm not talking about atoms being copied, I specified consciousness. An exact copy of your consciousness is you.


DJ_Rand t1_j1fqaln wrote

Nothing to do with afterlife. Its to emphasize that whatever is after death is likely what youll experience. You are arguing what many scientists consider wrong/impossible. That even though "you" reformed might be all the same atoms, which poses its own problems in transporting just the atoms alone, but many scientists believe the person that gets reformed isnt actually you. You would not be the teleported person. Itd be a new you. Pre-teleport you, dead. In the grand scheme, assuming you don't mind being dead, then you are right, it wouldn't matter and your clones wouldn't know the difference. I guess it just matters if you mind dying and letting a copy live in your place.


Durris t1_j1frmpl wrote

Why are you going on about the possibility of this happening in a question that is based on the premise of this being a reality? We are supposing that you can be copied, and that you are your consciousness. The transportation of matter isn't even important to this question so stop talking about atoms. You can experience nothing so that isn't a concern either. It all boils down to, are you your consciousness and if that consciousness is moved or copied, are you still you.


DJ_Rand t1_j1fs9ui wrote

The guy you originally responded to said he would never trust a teleporter because it wouldnt be him. You're the only one going on about the possibility of your consciousness being copied as still being you. As if you can't understand what a copy means. Last response from me. Have a good one.


Durris t1_j1fu3ni wrote

and I asked him about an exact copy of his consciousness. You lose continuity with reality every single day but I assume you don't have any issues with that or believing that you are still you despite you being a little different each and every time you regain consciousness. If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, are you still you.


NapsterUlrich t1_j1fejjr wrote

Hey, if they can 100% without a doubt prove that they can transfer my consciousness over when teleporting with no issues, then hell yeah, why not. I just don’t believe it will be possible


Durris t1_j1fetlu wrote

Definitely agree that it is far fetched and definitely will be long after our lifetimes if it ever does become possible. Just a fun question since the ethics of science are so important to debate before the product becomes a reality since things get so much more complicated once we have access to the immense power that science can bring us.


NapsterUlrich t1_j1fewwu wrote

I’m sure 100 years ago, the idea of someone walking on the moon was just as crazy, so who knows what the future will bring