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Calfredie01 t1_j21kscf wrote

I’m gonna be real with you here. I think you might be mistaken with that one. Just thinking about it for a few seconds raises lots of questions such as where do those old atoms go, why are atoms breaking their bonds where they don’t need to, why wouldn’t we have completely new memories and everything, what about cells that stay with you your whole life.

The list just goes on


alcatrazcgp t1_j21lx5b wrote

you shed skin, where does it go?

imagine your shredded skin as your previous atoms, you are constantly changing, regenerating, healing being damaged, so on, that's how the body works, a human body sheds like 1000 skin cells per minute or something along those lines, i dont remember the eaxt number


zeldarus t1_j23bva9 wrote

Skin is designed to be replaced at a constant rate as the outermost defensive layer. Most of the tissues in your internal organs and especially the cerebrum most certainly are not designed to "shed".