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dashingstag t1_j22zigl wrote

If that’s is true then there’s no value for governments or companies to try to build them in the first place because they would be literally throwing money into space.


bigmikemcbeth756 OP t1_j22zury wrote

It would be like Christopher Columbus they paid for the get the take it


dashingstag t1_j2307sb wrote

Even Christopher Columbus had to return to his sponsor Spain. But this is a one way ticket. If a regular joe like me can see it’s a bad investment without rules, a potential generational ship sponsor will avoid it like a plague. Fact is, the only reason why a company would do it is because they would be able to set up sovereignty in a new place/planet.


bigmikemcbeth756 OP t1_j230hcr wrote

That's the plan only issue is see is it would be like You're basically owned by the company


dashingstag t1_j230lfm wrote

Sure there would be many people who would be against it but there would also be many people who would be up for. What makes you think you aren’t already owned.