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Grayman222 t1_j2hhajz wrote

A lot of encryption revolves around super primes 3 * 5 = 15 (put way bigger numbers). A classic computer just has to try every formula in sequence and brute force what primes make up 15 if any. A quantum computer can be asked 15??? and the super position is somehow trying all the answers at once and gives you 3 * 5 in a single hz.

General purpose CPU have bits, mostly 64 bit now, that's how complex a task they can do per cycle. A single qbit quantum computer that can even solve that basic problem above needs to be super cooled with lasers and such though. So at least today it can't instantly crack any harddrive or mine all the bitcoins left because those tasks are too large to fit in the instructions per clock the processor can do.


Grayman222 t1_j2hhl00 wrote

quantum science in general i understand as quantum particles are smaller than electrons but act similar except

by default they exist in a super position of positive and negative at the same time until you decide to measure them.

they exist in pairs and applying a charge to one also flips it's twin, even if separated apart so there should not be a cause/effect between the two.