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Lord0fHats t1_j5zs16l wrote

Nothing because the whole thing is kind of meaningless.

I've just seen so many stories about the clock and 'x to midnight' that it basically means nothing, especially when they only ever move it closer and the criteria for moving it is however the people running it happen to feel at the time.

There's no real object-based analysis before this exercise.

Honestly, I'm more annoyed that some day some idiot is going to say 'the doomsday clock was right' and while the nuclear hellfire is enveloping us all my only solace will be 'if all you do in your life is watch paint dry, are you a genius because it finally dried, or a waste of life who spent it watching a blank wall wondering when the paint would dry?'

I'll just take that last word and call it a win, because the last thing anyone should give a shit about in the world is this silly clock exercise and the egos behind it.


ogsixshooter t1_j5zzwys wrote

The clock's original setting in 1947 was seven minutes to midnight. It has since been set backward eight times and forward 17 times for a total of 25, the farthest from midnight being 17 minutes in 1991, and the nearest being 90 seconds, set on January 24, 2023.


[deleted] t1_j6356ql wrote

I saw a tweet the other day about it and thought it was spot on:


The Doomsday clock is so mean like whose idea was it to just terrorize the helpless masses by reminding them that billionaires are getting closer than ever to wiping us all off the planet from the safety of their rural compounds and/or megayachts.