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Iron_Baron t1_j34klkz wrote

No, but it's disingenuous and unethical to downplay the severity of the state of affairs on this planet or to fantasize irresponsibly that some other country or some other generation is going to fix all these direct threats to the planet and our species.

Such as calling people speaking accurately about such threats "doom and gloom" or "pessimists", when they are realists advocating for humanity to take climate change seriously. By seriously, I mean taking action in their lives, not just bitching on Reddit, or burying their head in an online echo chamber of misinformation and deflection.

Personally, I devote my career to trying to influence my country's policy for the better. That's not something most folks could or should be expect to do. But speaking accurately and responsibly on social media and voting based on facts, not feelings or propaganda, is everyone's civic duty.