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Fenrisvitnir t1_j3jjl4v wrote

I, for one, welcome the free pizza that will inadvertently be entering the airspace over my Nerf cannons.


oracleofnonsense t1_j3lmfb8 wrote

My mom has a .22 long rifle that shoots (nearly) silent rounds. If things get rough - hunting Dominos drones sounds like an easy way to feed the family. We all know where their home nest is - just wait in the parking lot for your feast.


ThisWillBeToast t1_j3jso4b wrote

And free drones?


timbocool t1_j3l8v1r wrote

You're supposed to release them back into the wild once you've caught them.


mctrials23 t1_j3lcram wrote

If you love something, set it free, if it comes back again you might get another free pizza.


Asd_dsA_Dsa_asD t1_j3lp0lm wrote

Hah! Jokes on you, the Taco bell Judge™ will send you to the Disney Jail to do time for your crime of interfering with the delivery drones. You will be slaving away to mine bitcoin with your hands for Amazon Prime, our new ruler and AI overlord.


7andhalf-x-6 t1_j3jufqy wrote

Don’t you technically own your airspace too a certain point over your house?


RoastMostToast t1_j3kf68d wrote

Even if you do, it’s still shooting down an aircraft. Wouldn’t recommend doing that…


menellinde t1_j3l1saj wrote

I mean, as we speak crime is already at insane heights, and in some cities people are getting their windows smashed and the stuff taken out of their cars while they're paused at a stop light, nevermind the porch pirates running rampant all over the place. If they're willing to take that much of a risk in broad daylight, taking out a drone or 5 in an evenings from the relative safety of some sort of cover would just be a moderately interesting afternoon activity.


RoastMostToast t1_j3l2j0b wrote

Getting caught stealing is a much much smaller risk than getting caught shooting at an aircraft.

Like multiple felonies difference


VexedClown t1_j3lfrig wrote

Man you need to step up your theft game.


Julie_mrrea t1_j3m6zdv wrote

You know for a subreddit somewhat theoretically close to science popsci clickbaits we sure have lots of smoothbrains that will actually shoot one in some american justice freedom rage.


7andhalf-x-6 t1_j3kxpzs wrote

Haha yeah true. That was mostly a joke. But…if you did own it…


SHAWNANOMALY t1_j3lwgdb wrote

Until the courts side with those that have the power (corporations) against you in a lawsuit to cover damages done while you scream to the top of your lungs about the airspace over your property.

Then they'll nicely slap you into reality that the airspace over your property is not yours when the big $$$ decide they have new plans. And of course the politicians side with the $$$ as well over you...the random nobody in their eyes.


flickh t1_j3mp8la wrote

The occasional pirated pizza will raise the average price, as will the cost of a parachute added to each order.

You don’t think they’ll re-use parachutes after they’ve been out and about in Joe Blow’s backyard or wherever!?