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TheRealSchackAttack t1_j62al9k wrote

Holy shit, out of all the decisions congress has made about Tech this seems like the most enlightened perspective. Realizing the big fuckup of letting social media run like the wild west until it's too late. Hopefully this isn't just a show and someone actually has a lightbulb moment.


TNT9876543210kaboom t1_j62vmgm wrote

Who say that big fuck up is letting social media run like wild west? I missed this day.


iSuckAtMechanicism t1_j66to9w wrote

Are you not aware of how much influence social media has had on gullible people?


TNT9876543210kaboom t1_j67nbo9 wrote

Yeah reddit prove that. We all known that they are ruled by powerhungry mods often Left Leaning. Aron Swartz crying in Heaven If he looked at Reddit today .
