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darth_nadoma OP t1_j45xe4h wrote

Like most European countries, Portugal is accelerating its shift to renewables

to reduce reliance on imported fossil fuels whose prices have surged

Benefitting from abundant sunshine and strong Atlantic winds

Portugal seeks to have 80% of its electricity usage coming from renewable sources by 2026


Surur t1_j45y4i5 wrote

> Portugal seeks to have 80% of its electricity usage coming from renewable sources by 2026 > That’s up from 60% now, which is already one of the highest ratios in Europe

This is amazing news, and numbers which were unimaginable 10 years ago.

I think Portugal is helped by their terrain however. Hydro forms 40% of their renewable share, and they also have extensive pumped hydro for storage.


abrandis t1_j46tiiy wrote

Portugal is lucky because of it's geography (Sun and Wind) , Portugal average 220 sunny days , with the southern region (Algarve) almost 300 days, not sure that can be replicated all over Europe especially the northern regions