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anonsequitur t1_j5wkcmi wrote

>Why would they be limited to a cmd console interface...? It's not like the I/O of brain-computer interfaces is limited to text

Because the article doesn't mention any interface beyond text. And I'm not in the habit of speculating past technology that's currently available. Maybe in the future if an interface like that is created, sure. But right now it appears to just be text.


ShaolinShade t1_j5wn15a wrote

Did you read the article..? It talks about how speech is one of the most complicated actions / combination of motions the brain performs, and that they're reading motor I/O from multiple regions and functions (breath, lips etc) in order to recreate that into words.

We've had the technology for GUI manipulation through brain-computer interfaces for a while now, controlling a cursor on screen was accomplished long before any form of working speech recognition.