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Surur t1_j63n2df wrote

> It's also the single biggest form of wealth redistribution and normalization of massive wealth difference between nations.

This is what people object against really, but it should be obvious that a making poor nations richer makes everyone safer, in the same way making people in a poor part of a city richer helps everyone be safer.


mhornberger t1_j69hduh wrote

> it should be obvious that a making poor nations richer makes everyone safer

I think the problem there is that many romanticize poverty, at least poverty of others. If only it wasn't for the corrupting influences of advertising and television and whatnot, the theory goes, these people would be content and happy with their subsistence agriculture. It's just a slightly updated version of the Noble Savage myth.


YawnTractor_1756 t1_j66rwtq wrote

>making poor nations richer makes everyone safer

I grew up next to a country that went from very poor to doing pretty darn well within short 20 years. That large country then proceeded to perform a full-scale invasion on the neighbor.

What I am saying, is that maybe that is not exactly how it works. If nation's wealth is built by honest work and evolution of society and institutions, then sure. But if a nation just stroke random gold, then there is far less correlation between richer and safer.

And forced redistribution of wealth from the rich countries to the poorer ones, that is not coupled with natural or forced institutions and society building, will not achieve good results.


Surur t1_j67pjfb wrote

Quite true. I assume you mean Russia, but it could be so many another countries.

But this is why for example exporting businesses is better than extractive economies, as it relies more on the existence of good governance and citizen prosperity in a country.


ribblle t1_j64cy8f wrote

At the moment it's making them richer. At the moment.


Surur t1_j64jr1l wrote

And whether those countries invest that money into ongoing development is up to them.