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snoogins355 t1_j4n1h2g wrote

Where Vehicle to Grid (V2G) technology will be interesting to see in the next 5-10 years with EV adoption. Plug in your car at 5PM and help supplement the grid and get the power back overnight, might makes some $ too


Surur t1_j4n2kp9 wrote

Even better would be to charge at work from cheap solar and then return it during the duck curve.

I just had an interesting business idea - make a parking garage for cars with V2G capability (probably best at a Park and Ride facility) covered with a solar roof, charge the cars in the day and deliver the energy in the evening using a virtual battery. People get cheap parking, you get a cheap battery and the grid gets cheap energy. Win,win,win.


snoogins355 t1_j4n8442 wrote

Beam has that on a small scale