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II-TANFi3LD-II t1_j4n9a56 wrote

We burnt the most coal ever for any year in recorded history in 2022, so I'm not quite sure how this is true.


Surur t1_j4nbjzp wrote

It's likely the Ukraine crisis will have caused much more renewables to be installed than a marginal 1.2% spike in coal usage.


Northstar1989 t1_j4p3wd7 wrote

>so I'm not quite sure how this is true.

We're using more and more energy every year.

Fossil fuel usage in the developed world has stopped scaling up, but it isn't decrasing. in fact, it's still increasing a bit: just not nearly as fast as total energy consumption.

At some point, we'll need to just ban fossil fuel extraction. Gotta hit it at the point of supply.


YsoL8 t1_j4pda41 wrote

By the time thats politically or economically viable there will also be no point.