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arg_max t1_j6ald1n wrote

I think the things that will come first will be automated art. It starts with concept art creation but I believe that we will soon see usable 3D mesh generators, so you put in a prompt like "creepy alien with claws and a tail" and get a 3D mesh out of it. AI chats like many people here suggested are obviously possible with things like GPT, but at the end all of this has to be linked back to game logic. When an NPC talks with you that he saw something at some place in the world, the game also should generate something interesting that you can discover in that location. I don't think there are solutions for this yet but I don't see why it can not happen. The problem is always that you need huge train sets to create those generative models and there just do not exist train sets for things like levels, quest or so, so we will have to see if people figure out smart ways to solve this.