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t1_j5sbjym wrote

Solar uses less land than coal extraction or the largest uranium mines per unit power. There is no choice with lower impact.


t1_j5skgn8 wrote

If you look back three comments you'll see that I wasn't comparing to any of those.

>There is no choice with lower impact.

For many applications there are. For instance, it's better to run my blender off the grid than to use solar hydrogen.


t1_j5sky5m wrote



t1_j5smloa wrote



t1_j5smwv0 wrote

No. You were repeating fossil fuel propaganda unrelated to the issue at hand.


t1_j5sn5my wrote

They use real concerns in their propaganda because it's effective

But you'll note that I only mentioned carbon-neutral alternative technologies here, which terrifies the fossil fuel industry. Or maybe not. My hopes aren't high.


t1_j5sniku wrote

Except it's not a real concern when its less bad than any other option. By all means push for less land use, but pick the low hanging fruit first.


t1_j5snsqw wrote

The other carbon-neutral options are what I was talking about you reactionary hero


t1_j5snx6r wrote

You continue to dog whistle gas with carbon capture (which is fictional) whilst not being brave enough to say it out loud.


t1_j5so2bi wrote

Yes, carbon capture is on the list of things I didn't say.


t1_j5so76s wrote

Which continues to be fossil fuel propaganda.


t1_j5sohfm wrote

Fossil fuel propaganda would be accusing everyone who asks questions about hydrogen generation compared to other carbon-neutral technologies of being shills regardless of whether they're suggesting that it's probably great for certain applications in other contexts and were doing so before you made your accusation.


t1_j5sp0hl wrote

You're attacking solar derived energy and dog whistling fossil fuel hydrogen. The motivation is obvious. This 'just asking questions' act fools nobody.