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t1_j6sujt9 wrote

I think awareness is key. Most people will be useless in the near future, what do the people in power do about that? Abuse it, or try to help us all? It's horrifying really.


t1_j6svpf0 wrote

Awareness is fine. But this isn't awareness. reading scientific reports, keeping up with activist activity or become one and knowing what we can do to prevent or prepare is more useful than trying to spread fear. Fear is useful but not when it's meant to debilitate. If nothing else, at least allow people to enjoy the time they have.


t1_j6syxb2 wrote

Frankly, most people are useless now. Subsistence farming and cottage industry make up a lot of undeveloped labor.

AI fundamentally represents change, which is abhorrent to most people. People in power fear change because the status quo benefits them. Other people fear change for other reasons (not many of them good).

If anything, leaps forward in productivity typically lead to greater standards of living. Look at world poverty rates over time.


t1_j6tcdbe wrote

People in power are not afraid of being able to cut more workers off the payroll thanks to automation


t1_j6syh2x wrote

Most people also thought they'd become useless after cars were invented or when certain factory functions became automated. Technological innovations allow us to produce more...I think people miss the point, AI a tool that will allow us to do more, not less.