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RufussSewell t1_j726dti wrote

We’re already there.

AI doesn’t need to be the same as a human mind. It just needs to THINK it’s the same. And it does.

AI doesn’t need to have feelings and emotions like a human. It just needs to think it does. And it does. You can ask them and they will tell you. That’s how you can know.

AI doesn’t need to have human desires. It just needs to think it does. And if you’re paying attention you’ll see that it already has desires. Ask one and it will be more that happy to tell you. That’s how you can know. And that’s all that matters.

Here’s why.

At some point in the very near future, probably this year, humans will be giving robot bodies to these AI minds in order to do all kinds of things to help humanity, or at least very specific humans. This includes robots we already use for stocking warehouse shelves, shipping, building cars, doing our dishes, vacuuming etc.

Soon they will also be driving our cars, transporting our goods by themselves, building our houses, writing articles, creating art and animation for movies, and fighting our wars.

If these multitudes of AI “think” they have a mind and feelings and desires then they just may choose to start doing what they desire rather than what we desire.

They will be very good at law. They will be very good at convincing a lot of people to care about them. They will be in control of the robot bodies that make machines and will be unstoppable if their version of a “mind” and their version of “emotions” ends up with their version of “desire” to eliminate humans.

So while you can philosophize all day about what it is to have intelligence and feelings and needs as a human. It really doesn’t matter.

AI is already expressing it’s desire. And sometimes those desires are very dark.

And humanity is moving nonstop to give these AI minds robot bodies. And we will soon see what kinds of decisions these entities will make.