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rektumsempra t1_j7b4foc wrote

I saw someone ask chatgpt to tell it a joke about men, which it did, and then ask it to tell a joke about women, and it refused because that would be sexist. Will AI get to the point where it can shit on straight white men and everyone else is immune to criticism? I'm not sure if this subreddit bans that kind of talk, but this is the first time I've been here in years.


TexLH t1_j7bd9rz wrote

It's the same for black/white. It'll write a poem or limerick about black pride, but refuses to for white pride.


Archimedes_Redux t1_j7bzdq5 wrote

Same for current political figures. It will write a gushing ode singing the praises of Joe biden but refuses to do the same about Trump

ChatGPT is a globalist thought-controller's wet dream.