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rideincircles t1_j9vqi0b wrote

Probably starting production lines in the compact car next year. Maybe later this year, but seems doubtful.

For Tesla to continue their planned YOY growth of 50% through the decade, they will need to start manufacturing the compact car in in volume for 2025. This year it looks likely they could grow 50% with a little more production capacity. After that, they need growth on a compact car since the goal will be to sell more of those than all their other vehicles combined.

Cybertruck may have taken later than planned, but they only got the casting press a few months ago, and they had to build the factory in 2021 and ramped up model Y production last year. This year is now building the manufacturing line for the cybertruck, and they are still ramping internal battery production for the 4680 cells. It's not really very late based on those factors. The new roadster is late, but low priority.


cantwejustbefiends t1_j9y9iaj wrote

Explaining why it is late doesn’t make it not late.


rideincircles t1_j9zk6lt wrote

Global pandemics and supply chain issues are not always easily predictable either. I am a day one reservation holder and it doesn't bother me in the slightest.


espressocycle t1_j9wzyul wrote

I doubt they'll ever make a high volume low cost compact vehicle. There's no money in it which is why so many companies have left that segment. Tesla is never going to anything but a niche player that a lot of people lost a lot of money betting on. When it all comes crashing down it will end up being a Chinese brand.


rideincircles t1_j9x3grz wrote

Haha. Yeah fucking right.Tesla Investor day is next week and they will be discussing the new platform. Tesla has over 100k employees making things happen and have been averaging 50% growth almost every year. They don't let up on that front and robotaxis, the new compact car and robots will all be in full swing this decade.


espressocycle t1_j9y7v9c wrote

Tesla was there first but the legacy carmakers are catching up quickly. They're like Netflix - huge stock valuation based on the idea that being the first big disrupter matters when the barriers to entry aren't that high.

There's nothing special about Tesla when Hyundai and Volkswagen are already making electric cars that are as good or better and others are not far behind. These companies already have the capacity, the engineering staff, etc. and they aren't run by sociopath dude bros. Tesla's real value is a fifth of its current market cap at best and most of that is the energy side. That's why I expect them to eventually sell the vehicle side to the Chinese.
