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ToothlessGrandma t1_ja1i64e wrote

I don't think you understand what I'm saying. If nobody has a job, or a job with wages reduced by a significant amount, it doesn't matter what any employer or shareholder wants. The population won't have the income anymore to buy whatever you're selling. Do you think if the minimum wage was reduced to 5$ an hour everywhere in the U.S., that anyone would have any money to buy anything?


Rustydustyscavenger t1_ja1mxpn wrote

I get exactly what youre saying what youre not getting is that companies will not care either way


ToothlessGrandma t1_ja1noxy wrote

I guess you're not getting what I'm saying then, because if nobody has any money, nobody is buying your shit, and then your company goes bankrupt.


1weedlove1 t1_ja1x00n wrote

I don’t think you live in America.


ToothlessGrandma t1_ja21ob6 wrote

Unfortunately I do.


1weedlove1 t1_ja44n74 wrote

Then you should wake up to what’s going on around you. The name of the game is the rich get richer the poor get poorer .