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t1_j9bvzcy wrote


t1_j9c0vgj wrote

Personally I think it's just as important for everyone to know sci-fi concepts as real world concepts, because it's all part of a unified conceptual language we use to discuss science.

All of the points you made are potentially plausible but also possibly impossible to put into practice, so therefore should not be bannable unless you are making claims that they are possible without providing evidence of such. Certainly one can provide research that seems to indicate such may be possible in the future, that is something this sub is used for quite frequently.

So all of those items may be found to be science fiction in the future but we don't know exactly what we are capable of and what nature allows, and so we can neither confirm nor deny whether these are possible.


t1_j9cgihv wrote



t1_j9ctc6t wrote

That link you provided made an enormous claim, that an interferometer NASA is building can generate a warp bubble, with no direct source provided.

It would be nice if humanity could prepare for nascent technologies before they transform society, that would be an amazing technology in itself!