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5kyl3r t1_j9ebixr wrote

we need to also worry about the dictatorship. we now know that trump tried to organize and stage a coup. that's BIG. but people, especially on the right, don't seem to care. that's the thin little line between our current democracy, and becoming the next Belarus or Russia. it can happen. it happened in those countries within my lifetime. it can happen here. not taking things like that seriously is how it can happen. they're going to easy on the moron tacti-cool larpers on jan 6th, but at least most of them are getting at least a few years. history repeats itself. people being "apolitical" is how it happens. (which is ironically what most of the Russians in street interviews say now when asked political questions, if that isn't a clue)

now I think it's the loudest ones are the ones we hear thing. I think most republicans didn't like trump, at least after a while, and were pushed away. I don't think trump has a chance now. but the oligarchy problem usually goes hand-in-hand with dictatorships/autocracies, so it's something we need to take more seriously

and for the special trump lovers, courts just revealed basically all of the Fox News hosts did NOT believe the election was stolen or that there was fraud. we have screenshots of their texts among each other now. but sadly idiots like Marjorie T green will still repeat this stolen election crap. (how did we let clowns like this get into office???)


SchultzkysATraitor t1_j9epu3r wrote

"Truth is: if not for covid, Trump would have been reelected in a landslide. So we evaded Armageddon for good old store brand oppression.

But if a leader more savvy..
And less sociopathic..
With true fascist aspirations come along its gon tragic.

74 million proved if the right rhetoric is used we could end up on the wrong side of Workd War II 2."


[deleted] OP t1_j9efavv wrote



5kyl3r t1_j9iekys wrote

how is that even remotely anarchy? it's authoritarianism. it's HOW they make money. they go strong arm companies. russia sent KGB (FSB, but let's be real here) into companies and forced them to sign them over to government officials at gunpoint. go watch a documentary on the magnitsky thing if you haven't. it's insane. the magnitsky act that the UN used to sanction russia came from the name of the lawyer that was killed by the Kremlin for defending an American businessman that they tried to do the same thing to, but luckily he was smarter than them. unfortunately the brave russian lawyer died for his bravery. trump would do the same crap here. he was already doing shady shit WHILE in office. like forced govt. trips to stay in his hotels, and then price gouged them more than their normal price. that goes beyond conflict of interest. but I digress

I'm not saying there isn't any truth to some of what you said, as there is certainly a lot of corrupt lobbying going on, as we know large corps basically have a huge influence on politics. but that doesn't excuse the ONE party that is openly trying to burn the country and democracy to the ground while pulling a russia and falsely trying to redirect the blame


Iffykindofguy t1_j9f523w wrote

You are living in a fantasy world. You need to get in touch with reality.
