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Surur t1_j9ysyr6 wrote

It's a grand idea, but it seems it will increase the cost if housing a lot, which is a major issue young people are struggling with.


LittleBigSeed t1_j9z6glc wrote

I don't know a lot, but based on my understanding, the costs might equal out. If we are not having to pay to source new materials that would lower the cost of building. the cost goes back up again when you now factor in the extra labour costs. So, perhaps the cost won't change overall, but I think the environmental impact would be a double positive.


Surur t1_j9znmoc wrote

Given that Labour is much shorter than material at present I think that is introducing a major cost and bottleneck.


Rakshear t1_j9zt0nn wrote

Well in 10-15 years, when 3d printed housing gets better and more mainstream it will be much easier to build and assemble on site, like a plastic cement truck with a 3d printer on the back.


b34tgirl t1_ja24qg2 wrote

Cement is one of the most carbon emitting materials on the planet. I hope there will be other better materials to 3D print with.