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rogert2 t1_j82q6pa wrote

No, they can't. You are mistaken about what current "AI" technology is actually doing.


Sanity_LARP t1_j84z7lr wrote

Seems like you're being pedantic about what "learning" is, because machine learning exists and I don't know how you can argue that it isn't happening at all. You could argue it doesn't work the same way as our learning or that it's fundamentally different, but by the accepted meaning of the term, robots can learn. Can ALL robots learn? Obviously not. But you don't have to dig very far at all to find examples of learning.


rogert2 t1_j8540xj wrote

My web browser holds onto my bookmarks, and even starts to suggest frequently-visited websites when I type URLs into the bar. Do you really want to call that "learning?" Learning of the kind that's necessary to support interactions where trust and forgiveness are meaningful concepts?

It seems like you're trying to use the word "learning" to import a huge amount of psychological realism so you can argue that people have an obligation to treat every neural network exactly like we treat humans -- humans that are unimaginably more mentally sophisticated than a computer file that contains numeric weightings.


Sanity_LARP t1_j855b30 wrote

That's a lot of assuming and irrationality you dropped there. No, I didn't mean bookmarks and I didn't imply every neural network is the same as a human. You're being obtuse or disingenuous.


Bozzzzzzz t1_j8cjw94 wrote

I think the point being made is that this kind if intelligence is, well, artificial.