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nukeboy01 t1_j80lxfo wrote

I work at a company in Canada that sells Fanuc welding robot, we are expanding at an incredible rate. I would say 95%+ of our client are not buying robots to replace workers, they automate because they can't find welders.

EDIT : Right now the only thing that prevents wide scale use of robots is programming, since not every company can have robot programmers, but with AI and other tech we start to have a lot of robot in production that programs themselves. You put the 3D in a software and you get directly your welding programs for your parts. The operator only need to select the right program for the corresponding part. Those robots are game changer and we can't keep up on production.


Big_Forever5759 t1_j80oh29 wrote

Is fanuc selling better than other companies? What’s the top one that you think will grow a lot?


Crisp-Marshmallow t1_j80t3e6 wrote

As of late 2021, my company exclusively buys Fanuc robots simply due to them being the most competitive (of our suppliers’, usually quoted from 3 or more companies) in pricing and capabilities. It was ABB for years before this change.


poppin_noggins t1_j81qayb wrote

I work in construction and two companies tried robots for their welding operations on a major project. Both failed spectacularly. Slower than humans (mostly due to breaking down/faulty code) and massive repair rates.