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Bewaretheicespiders t1_ja80a03 wrote

Im a canadian citizen, so I have not only a right but a duty to criticise what my government is doing.


ca_kingmaker t1_ja84elv wrote

Lol called it. Let me guess, you don’t live in Canada anymore?

Your criticism in this case is that Canada doesn’t have a space program outside of partnerships, while ignoring that Europe is a cooperative space program of countries many of which are larger populations than Canada.

As they still haven’t launched any of their own people into space.

It’s really quite a dumb criticism.


Bewaretheicespiders t1_ja8919d wrote

I did consulting work for the CSA. They bemoan (in private) the government's lack of space ambitions just as I do. They were hoping to get a budget boost when the government switched from the CPC to the LPC and especially with an astronaut as minister of transport, but they got nothing. Canada's missing the boat on developping an actual space industry and with what happened to Bombardier the country is well on its way to lose its aerospace industry as whole. That you cannot discuss that like an adult and resort to petty personal attacks, that is dumb.