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AdDear5411 t1_j9pk7oo wrote

The amount of people who mistake a machine's ability to replicate human-like writing with consciousness is astounding.

That's like me claiming my parrot "knows" English because he can mimic my speech. He has no idea what he's saying, he's just repeating an input.


SnapcasterWizard t1_j9pym7t wrote

What test can we use to tell the difference between something that replicates language and something that is conscious and uses languages?


Alternative_Log3012 t1_j9ql6nj wrote

There’s no test needed because only morons (or those ignorant of how computers work) would think otherwise


SnapcasterWizard t1_j9qssgk wrote

Okay and what, fundamentally stops a computer from being conscious? You say you don't need any test, that its impossible for a computer to be self aware. What makes you say that?


ladderkid t1_j9rmkz9 wrote

that's not fair to parrots because some parrots do actually understand parts of speech