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timetravel_inc t1_jae1luc wrote

Right, and Musk will put humans on Mars in 2024 2027 2029…

Edit: Sorry, I will stop now. I am just a disillusioned astronomer


Codydw12 t1_jae3z3p wrote

If you actually think Musk is going to do anything other than justify his position as the Worlds Most Annoying Shithead I've got some oceanfront property in Montana to sell you. The private space companies are making small developments woth technologies such as reusable rockets, yes, but overwhelming the major programs that actually intend to put people on the moon by decades end are government.

Once again per my previous comment, Artemis 3 is a manned mission planned for landing in 2025. 4 is planned for 2027 and all the way up to 8 are planned to bring more and more people and infrastructure up there. And that's just NASA, you should look at your own Heracles program.

So what would you prefer? We all just give up on space?