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[deleted] t1_j8eu9r2 wrote

The benefit to throwing money and attention at this is that it pulls money away from regular trains. Keeping attention on things that will never get built prevents actual transportation systems from being built. And that means more driving, which benefits the oil and car industries.


FewyLouie t1_j8fjvrb wrote

But… you know this is in Europe, right, where there is an extensive train network already?


OriginalCompetitive t1_j8grqit wrote

That’s an entertaining Reddit meme, but it’s absurd. Do you really think hyperloops are pulling any money or attention away from trains in the real world? In Europe?


Olosta_ t1_j8h5rl6 wrote

Hyperloop companies are "supported" by the EU per the linked announcement. This is tax payer money that is not invested somewhere else, like trains.