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rampantsteel t1_j8qyeck wrote

Or in this case if you can afford the test your kid will do just fine.


Lord0fHats t1_j8rj25o wrote

Or you're just throwing money away. There's no convincingly strong evidence that genetics is determinitive with intelligence. If they were, you'd think it would be more consistent than being able to directly translate success to where you were born and how much money you had available to you.

More likely what'll happen is a lot of rich aholes with become even aholier, insisting that this matters more than it does and using it as a new means of pulling the leader up from under them because the rich are always looking for a new flimsy justification for why they're better than everyone else.


modfreq t1_j8t0n3z wrote

You also don't have to be smart to go to college... and plenty of smart people don't.


Lord0fHats t1_j8t97oh wrote

Part of the issue is people erroneously equate successful with intelligent. Which is very silly. People fail upward all the time. Some have bad luck.

College isn't really about intelligence or smart. It's about education. These words are not interchangeable but at the same time they're so entangled its almost impossible to separate them down into a single factor, let alone one you can test for in DNA.