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LibertarianAtheist_ t1_j9kjv6x wrote

>If you’re already old then you will probably stay that way.


Νο one is working on stopping metabolism from creating damage, but instead reversing aging. Whether it's Aubrey de Grey's damage-repair approach, Altos Labs' Yamanaka based cellural reprogramming, etc.

It's called rejuvenation medicine.


JackIsBackWithCrack t1_j9ml0fy wrote


Doesn’t change the fact that aging-prevention will come far before aging-reversal. It is way easier to stop a mug from shattering in the first place than it is to glue it back together. Hope I’m wrong tho.


LibertarianAtheist_ t1_j9npj01 wrote

Not really. If you can repair the damage accumulation just exactly at the same rate it's being laid down, then you can do it a bit faster which means reverse it.