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WhatAreYou_Casual t1_jbhgo8f wrote

As a guy in his early 20s, motivation is something that is good. Discipline is better.

Today's day and age is filled w stimulants. Porn, social media, streaming services, video games, alcohol, weed etc.

All of them are just escapes.

Porn hijacks that need we have for intimacy. Sort of filling the sexual part, but not the emotional bit a partner provides.

Video Games trap you in a cycle of dopamine so that you keep playing for hours

Social media tries to catch your attention with whatever they can.

Attention span is going down, depression is rising, people are more and more lonely. But I can't recall anyone in my time during school actually saying discipline is a good thing. Hell we look at some parts of the US and porn is almost encouraged among young teens / barely teens. Almost guaranteeing they will struggle w addiction later.

What does every big corporation want? Your time. For you to spend time w their products. Time can never be regained, only be spent. So make sure to spend it in a way that builds a good future while also letting you enjoy the present.

Where am I going w all this? Fuck if I know. But if someone reads this, 1% at a time, improve your life, cut out the things that don't want the best for you and it will get better it did for me, it will for you too


TreatThompson OP t1_jbhi2zz wrote

Haha you asked where are you going with that but that was a quality spew

Think you’re dead on

It’s definitely an attention war right now. That’s a huge commodity right now

Great sentiment at the end—thanks for sharing 😄


Snaab t1_jbiezgi wrote

Someone has read Atomic Habits lol


WhatAreYou_Casual t1_jbisxt8 wrote

Great book tho. Like if we are talking just physically has the principles taken me down 50lb since I moved out Went from a few reps of 50--60lb bench to doing 25 reps at 100lb. Stamina was shit now I can bike uphill for a bit over a mile w no problem.

The principles work pretty damn well


Far_Neighborhood_117 t1_jbjqoh5 wrote

Are these “principles” you mentioned in Atomic Habits? Maybe i should give that book a read.


WhatAreYou_Casual t1_jbjt4fr wrote

"Principles" might be the wrong way to put it. More like "understanding habits" if you will.

Atomic Habits is just that, habits. So it'll help you build and break habits.

I made it a habit to eat better and train more. Leading to said results.

If you want what I did specifically, no processed foods (got to the point where I couldn't eat burger king/McDonalds thanks to stomach throwing a fit). A little bit will more or less always be there. But reducing it heavily. Bread (especially in the US) is a good one to avoid, sauces in general as well.

Then it's all about watching the calories you consume. Make sure to be in less than what your body needs and you'll loose weight.

If you want to work out/build muscle as well. Focus on the clean eating, working out and keeping a slight calorie deficit. No need to go too hard. Gotta have energy for the day after.