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Dra3n t1_jbkjgj1 wrote

Don’t be so passive, make the good shit happen yourself


SovFist t1_jbkyaoe wrote

Nothing good ever happens though It's just a continuous grind till i eventually become a corpse


beanathin t1_jbldi6m wrote

It's just hard when I feel like this every other day


Diskobulus t1_jblgtnr wrote

Needed to hear this 🙏 it's tempting to give up on yourself but I won't


dariasniece t1_jblu3nu wrote

Yeah, this one overlooks the importance of making active changes in your life. Circumstances will change but the odds against them randomly working in your favor are pretty small. You gotta make those kind of changes yourself


Tasty-Window t1_jblv5rq wrote

Been fooling myself for 15 years with this mindset. Take that self!


ifoundit1 t1_jblwmjl wrote

My mind doesn't beat me up too bad but science torture toys sure are.


Orsus7 t1_jblxh23 wrote

You can cheat the system and speed the bad crap up into good crap with some miralax.


Faporeon t1_jblyiez wrote

You know what I think about sometimes? For most of us, think of the BEST moment of your life, all the fun times you've had. That came AFTER WW2, one of the worst times in history, and we came out of it and you have the best moments of your life after such atrocities. We can always rebuild, no matter what happens.


spydersens t1_jbm6csg wrote

Good shit doesn't come knocking at your door to sweep you of your feet.


Enchanting_Smith t1_jbm6k6r wrote

I'll raise your wait with "just do". Keep going, keep doing, you're already trying and that is succeeding because the worst you can do is not try. Keep doing. Keep being, keep experiencing, keep evolving - grow your mind, your budget, your perspective, your own garden, your relationships, career, vocabulary, bookshelf - whatever matters to you, keep doing. Never wait for the good things to come or they won't - do. Do and expect the bad and good because some bad (while not always necessary) can help us appreciate the good when we achieve it, and see how far we've come from misfortune, or immaturity, circumstance or fear.

You got this. Fight the thoughts. You're bigger than your mind!


Eagle_Blimp t1_jbm8z7u wrote

Last time I tried thinking that my life could get better, I almost lost my job


patrickswayzay t1_jbm9pyp wrote

I think this is the author of the midnight library. He writes about mental health a lot.


wasabinski t1_jbmamjq wrote

This fit me perfectly for today, thanks!


CrasVox t1_jbmkiz0 wrote

Yeah. Just wait. Always people telling you to wait. Good things are coming if you just wait. Even tho they have no idea, no clue what is coming. But wait. Suffer some more. Because life is precious and if you aren't alive to suffer how will you wait ?


Femme_Shemp t1_jbmohjg wrote

Severe depression and SI for 54 years, but all I have to do is wait for something good to happen. Thanks for the fix. :(


sneaky_squirrel t1_jbn1yk2 wrote

I hate how these arguments are right.

I'm going to look forward to a time where they will be wrong, then I will be right!


wingman626 t1_jbn4uf6 wrote

This hits different when you are depressed and when you are working two jobs.

I got over my depression long ago and now I'm working two jobs to save up enough to finally get going with college and man do i feel like giving up. Two to three hours of sleep a day working 16-18 hours a day feels like hell and i feel burned out and ready to fall asleep by the 4th or 5th day


SarahPallorMortis t1_jbn8kem wrote

I can’t think of anything good that’s happened when I’m at my lowest. There’s no, something good. It’s just not as bad. Been waiting.


toodog t1_jbnb5eu wrote

Much needed the future seems dark


andythekraken t1_jbnb696 wrote

What if nothing good has happened in the past 10 years of my life


SketchKYR t1_jbne485 wrote

I feel like I’ve been waiting for years for something good to happen. I’m getting sick and tired of doing everything I can, just for nothing to happen for me.


katdog89 t1_jbnf2cy wrote

Lost my job… company fucked me out of my apartment lease I owe, and my mileage. Thought it was a good thing as I get to return home from being on the road six months to be with my wife and get a new job to be home. She texted me on my dead brothers b-day to not come home because she plans on filing for divorce the next week. Turns out she has been cheating on me with my friend that she would have never met if not for me. This all happened within a week. Really needing that good shit right now….


couchpotatochip21 t1_jbnfqaz wrote

I don't need good crap to happen I need my mind to stop beating me up while the good crap is happening.


hocuspocusgottafocus t1_jbnhddw wrote

Seconding this. Met a human

Didn't think human cared for me actually just after romance

But even with no romance I was cared for

Eventually romance

Pew pew I'm demiaroace turns out y'all

Life feels fuller already to have someone who really fucking loves you and cares about you like actually really truly