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divg555 t1_jbp1ljh wrote

This really hit me hard …



craybest t1_jbpmz6y wrote

Oh fuck yeah. The other day someone told me (after I was being very unfair with myself) that I should treat myself at least how I would treat a good friend that I care about. It was very enlightening. Because it's absolutely rigut and I can't believe I wasn't even doing that.


bulletpyton t1_jbq8jjb wrote

No no I don't I'm over wait and lazy. Found out I'm vitamin D deficient that is causing fatigue and depression combined with something wrong with my liver that is doubling up on it. I done this to myself by not making better choices what I'm doing now to change it is not enough.


greatjake122 t1_jbq94eu wrote

I don't like the word "deserve" like I can't get past the idea of some all encompassing calculation going on, like on the Good Place tv show, where there is an actual calculated result based on my life's actions showing what I "deserve" and I'd be afraid its not great.


Iron_Seguin t1_jbqqsn3 wrote

As dumb as it sounds, sometimes I don’t think I do. Countless failures on different fronts really mess with your shit man....


tyler_wrage t1_jbqwade wrote

You're at your starting point. Making ANY positive changes, no matter how small, will yield huge benefits in the long term. Pick one or two small, actionable things you can do each day. You've got this!


Sophisticated_Earl t1_jbqwme8 wrote

you deserve better than the talk you way to the your walk of to say to yourself.


disruptioncoin t1_jbqxyrk wrote

My therapist used to ask me "can you imagine ever talking to a friend or even a stranger that way? Then why do you talk to yourself that way?"


thedailyuplift t1_jbr4ka3 wrote

Sometimes people will say things like, well there I go again being, insert.....whatever personal insult. I will respond, don't talk to my friend like that.
It takes them a second. When my self talk is headed that way, I tell myself the same. It helps me shift my intentions.


Mr310 t1_jbr9kbk wrote

In my 40s and have started paying attention to the concept of self love. Its not for everyone especially us men, but it has given me more patience with myself.


TitiLancsak t1_jbrboiv wrote

I don't know.. just stating fact to myself when I call myself a loser


He_e00 t1_jbro1s2 wrote

Sometimes I tell myself "well shit, it ain't gonna be the world and yourself against yourself," but then I remember my dire situation living in this country and how so far out of reach everything looks like and it's time to beat a dead horse again, unfortunately.


BlueOXMotel t1_jbrt21y wrote

If someone spoke to you The way you do to you I'd put their teeth through

Love yourself!


thecrisis83 t1_jbs4fgh wrote

Possible, but unlikely for most people.

Life is unfair, but not necessarily to your disadvantage.


PM_Me_Your_Frendship t1_jbsh3a7 wrote

Garbage regurgitated Twitter Screenshot "advice". Equivalent to posting live laugh love


Baebel t1_jbsidgk wrote

Situational, so I'd partly agree. I'm already egotistical at times. I don't want to risk elevating that to naracism on a whim...



Joesdad65 t1_jbsn8p9 wrote

You've been following me on the golf course I see.


FinePC t1_jbsnadh wrote

Deserve and get are two different things


durgadas t1_jbsq9we wrote

I often say something like this to my one friend who isn't kind to herself:

"If someone walked in here talking to you like you talk to yourself, I'd kick their ass, because that person is a total dick."


[deleted] t1_jbt5ssd wrote

Thank you so much. I have a presentation for a job coming up, and I'm scared to death. The last time I had to speak in public, my hands were shaking so bad people were laughing at me.


KielGreenleaf t1_jbt6ho5 wrote

Thank you. I'm really havind a bad day. This motivates me a bit!


on1chi t1_jbtc7ih wrote

nah unless you're rich you are worthless and you should let yourself know it.


mcpickledick t1_jbuy9c1 wrote

Yea mcpickledick you idiot. Believe in yourself you loser.