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t1_jcb9kjb wrote

The arrogance examples you used were funny, I use a similar method as you lmao in that I push myself with motivating words and thoughts, and thinking highly of myself. This is not to actually become that made-up grand person in my head, it is very clearly fiction, but telling those stories gives you purpose- especially if you’re someone who feels unstable in their own selves and unsure. Doing that in the past has helped me get a grip of myself, and now I can better recognise all the blessings I have in my life already, to be grateful for and to jump on the opportunity to prove that gratitude by being modest and helpful to others. So yea, I dunno if this relates to u or


OP t1_jcba3x9 wrote

Yeah, I agree! I think its most useful if your self-esteem is shaky, and then as you develop confidence it seems like pure gratitude becomes more helpful? Its cool to learn about everyone else's experiences since I'm still on the journey


t1_jcbamuj wrote



OP t1_jcbcnup wrote

Maybe you can help me out, I'm confused about how my examples aren't filled with gratitude. Gratitude towards being alive, my father, my experiences are all there framed in strength vibes?


t1_jcc4x3e wrote

Sorry for the confusion, I didn’t read ur previous reply I just sort of added onto my comment. But yeah, i mean in the short-term having that arrogance does help push you forwards. And you do it with that intent of wanting to be someone better as well, which I can see from your post, and with my experience as well, that that way of thinking has got something to do with self improvement haha.