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DandaIf t1_jcfxynk wrote

Can someone explain why a rabbit using expletives to appreciate something feels so wholesome?


lebowtzu t1_jchrj9j wrote

You made me think about this harder than I thought I would. I’ll take a stab at it and call it something like an embittered, self conscious or self aware attempt at optimism. Or positivity for those to whom it doesn’t come naturally, still with the self consciousness or self awareness. Though not necessarily self consciousness of the curse words themselves but of the dual emotions.

But this is assuming that this cartoon is intended as the inner monologue of the rabbit, which seems to be the case. If there was an intended audience within the cartoon then it would just seem like some kind of pretension.

Edit: added “or self awareness” twice because I’m not sure what I’m getting at precisely


hurtloam t1_jchsjpm wrote

Have you met a rabbit? They look all cute, but they have a lot of attitude. They even flip you off with their feet when they're angry or even just mildly annoyed.


Killerderp t1_jcibc5t wrote

As someone who's had rabbits, this so damn true. They are adorable little balls of fluff with a huge amount of sass.