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pgquinn37 t1_jcqxpje wrote

A few things that helped me a while back, first of all was starting to ignore what I thought I ‘should’ be doing according to others.

Second was just engaging and working harder on the day to day, and interesting things grew out of that.

I didn’t create some master plan, I just starting to be more assertive and dedicated to the small stuff (like my work, studies at the time, friends, family, even cleaning, etc.) and it opened up unexpected doors.

I guess the thing that can be scary when you think you’re in a rut is, how do I get out of it. It can be almost paralyzing.

But it’s not so hard to just take small steps, day by day. It’s amazing how far, and where, it takes you.


m4n0nk4 t1_jcssnqf wrote

I'm not OP but this is an absolutely amazing outlook on life. I'm trying to implement this right now. It's crazy how many good things happen when you just simply take a deep breath and start working on The Stuff.


[deleted] t1_jct3ifz wrote

And sometimes depending on where one is in life that small thing could be making that appointment they’ve been putting off. Or just getting up and taking a shower. Cleaning part of your apartment/room, etc.


ArBeeV t1_jcu7g73 wrote

This is a good one. I too paralyze sometimes at 33 feeling bad I still havent made progress much compared to others my age (living with my parents, still trying to graduate for college, still havent found a good workplace while trying to get more athletic and hoping to start my own business). Taking small steps help, looking back all those small steps show a complete journey.