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Sissy63 t1_jcsg6cq wrote

First of all, good for you reaching out to people. This is my take on things: Everybody - Everybody at times feel less than, non motivated, lazy, in limbo, etc. Circumstances and life changes can screw you up as well. I am an older woman who has been where you are. (I survived it) When things got bad enough that I was calling in sick cuz I was too depressed to get out of bed at least once a week, even with therapy, I started making a recurring daily calendar entry - 6:00 wake up. 6:30 meditate or thank the Universe for SOMETHING, 7:00 shower, 7:45 get out door for work. Get rid of toxic people, keep social media (phone/computer) time very minimal, compliment 2 people every day, when negative thoughts come you can train your brain to deflect them with a different mindset (google it) More than anything, you are you. I always thought I should have been better, smarter, prettier, nicer, blah blah blah - I came to realize I am so much happier and complete if I pay more attention to other people’s happiness. With age comes acceptance of yourself. Maybe you’re just regular. So what? You’re important to somebody, I am sure. Chill out. Go to work. Be nice. Stop worrying about life - it will happen with or without your participation, so try to participate.