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Psychological-Ad6191 t1_jcunw25 wrote

Let me put it to you simply after a two year intense battle with depression, anxiety, fear, etc…all culminating in numerous panic attacks and a handful of dissociative events this last December.

  1. There are far more people in the world dealing with anxiety and depression than you’d imagine, the problem is…many can’t or don’t seek help. So don’t let the idea that “everyone else has purpose and everyone else is happy” beat you further.

  2. If all or most of your thoughts are negative, stop talking to yourself. Work on quieting down the voice inside, if you’re in a quiet room and it’s still “loud”…then you should benefit from finding ways to find that inner peace or quiet again or the first time. The thoughts within pretty much determine everything, ie; accepting what you can’t control and refocusing on what you can control.

  3. Quiet the noise within and then go on a journey of one’s self. What does that mean? Find out what you like, find out what you don’t like. Try painting, try hiking, try video gaming, working out…whatever….dancing, etc, variety is the spice of life. Do you always go to the same restaurants and order the same thing? Do you always go to the grocery store and purchase the same foods to pack and cook?? Break the programming and tap into parts of the life experience you haven’t even considered.

You’d be surprised what a difference, just ordering a new different dish from your favorite take out place can do.

A quote I recently read that really shifted my perspective was “When you reach the mountain top, the only peace you’ll find is the peace you bring”

I wish you health and happiness and the ability to persevere and come out stronger and more resilient.

You have that ability.


brooke512744 OP t1_jcv37gy wrote

Thank you for your wise words. I’m sorry you’ve been dealing with those panic attacks. They are not easy to go through and really can wear you down, I understand 😔 It sounds like you’ve come out on the other side, and I hope that’s true! One thing that really stuck out to me here (and in another comment- so maybe it’s my intuition telling me this is the thing to focus on for me) is the power of novelty. Ordering a new dish, like you said. Funny enough, I DO order the same things wherever I go. And I pretty much live a Groundhog Day everyday. Time to mix things up and spice it up!! In fact, yeah- anytime I do something new like explore local shops I’ve never visited before- it feels like an adventure and marvelous day. Again, thank you.